terça-feira, 13 de agosto de 2024

The clothes

It was a kind of green with brown, or something like this. I dont even like this colors.

What kind of color do i like? I think that i just realized a few years later, when i begin to stoppped trying to fit into external expectations and finally could use the clothes, colors and similars to my taste. But no without listen something about.

It seemed like there was always something that was a problem.

Too short, too long, for boy, very blue, very dark, need colors, need lipstick, make up, your weight, very thin, your skin, your hair, your face, you!

_These voices echoed from various parts, and for many years i listened its. (maybe im not completely oblivious. But sometimes i can only laugh).

  It seemed like the problem was me. But no...And i just noticed this later. When, more old, i found myself with insecurities and fears no reasons why.

I will no search guilty. If i transfer this events for another one i will just perpetuate this cycle: Its your fault! And then, i can do nothing about this, because its not my problem.

And the time pass, life pass, and me...Just one more person that dont treat your questions and try to do different, transforming and redefining.

What can i do for change the things?

The past? nothing.

The future? Dont exist.

But now, i can change my perspective, give another chance everyday...to do different for me and put any color in my life.